Botanical Park of Crete
15th km from National Road of Hania
Fournes, Omalos, Crete - Mobile phone: 6976860573
We went on a sunny day in November, but the Park is an attraction for most of the year, especially of course in late summer/early autumn when many of the trees are heavy with ripe fruit.
You pass the following villages:
Prodromi - Papadiana - Meza - Rodovani - Agriles - Maralia - Kampanos - Tsiskiana
- pass Prines - Epanochori - Agia Irini - Koulouridiana - Vasiliana - Prases (not Sempronas) - Nea Roumata - Laggos (not Papadiana/Nteres) - Chliaro - right in Skines - right in Fournes - towards
Askordalos / Lakkoi
Google map indicates 63km, about 1 hour and 20mins drive, through very windy roads across the mountains. It's a stunningly beautiful drive, very scenic.
Botanical Park of Crete - Guavas in November |
Botanical Park of Crete - Pampas Grass |
Botanical Park of Crete - Bird of Paradise |
Botanical Park of Crete - Passionflowers |
Botanical Park of Crete - Lake |